My name is Eric Cruz, I have been skating for over half my life now, around 16 years or so now. For the first part of those years I only ever had aggressive skates and 4 wheels under my feet. All I wanted to do with inline skates was to get air, spin and grind it wasn't until much later in my skating life that I really opened up to other aspects of inline skating.
It all started with a pair of 3x100 skates that I got for the purpose of health and weight loss, I started skating mileage on paved trails, very little at first, I still remember being amped on my first 5 mile day. But then it quickly took hold of me and I found myself opting for mileage over skatepark days.
One thing always leads to another and the speed and control I was loving from the speed and distance type of skating I was doing was taken to the streets, aggressive skating may have been born in the streets but these days it mostly lives in skateparks and I was the same, I had ventured out in "powerblading" sessions with my grind skates. But there was something different about 4x80(84) and the urban environment. The speed, the flow, the explorative and adventuerous feel, it all had a big draw on me and I was rediscovering my love for inline through all this different skating, not that my love had ever faltered but all of this just further solidified my love for skating and its place in my life.
That's why I've started this blog, just wanted a place I could share that love with others, originally I was going to have this be all about my speed and distance training but I'm not that kind of skater, I skate it all and want to share it all with anyone who reads this site.