Pflugerville Master trail, composite of Pflugerloop, To the park and back, and Addendum A/B routes. Not for the faint of legs or heart. No matter how big and bad this trail could be there is always bigger and badder...I've done the badder but want to do it better before I share, for now here is the Pflugerville Master trail. Do it twice for glory.
In the beginning I started with Pflugerloop, then added "To the park and back", then the addendums, and these days I typically ride this route if am riding Pflugerville. Like I said there is always bigger and badder, I've skated from my neighborhood, through this trail into Round Rock. Google Earth, Endomondo, and of course a keen eye while skating have opened up a world of route possibilities.
I always start at the trail head at Bohl's Park in Pflugerville, 200 Immanuel Rd, Pflugerville, TX 78660